Gasthof zum Deutschen Rhein i Bendern

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

11, Im Schwibboga, 9487, Bendern, LI Liechtenstein
Kontakter telefon: +423 373 13 47
Latitude: 47.2108092, Longitude: 9.5037252
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Kommentar 5

  • Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith


    Clean cumpfy place to stay. From there it's good to reach all hotspots with a car or take the bus from the station across the street.

  • Alessandro Guatelli

    Alessandro Guatelli


    Poco curato ristorante chiuso proprietari cortesi!

  • J. Ko.

    J. Ko.


    Das ist eine der größten absteigen die mir unter gekommen sind

  • S. Oiwa

    S. Oiwa


    リヒテンシュタインは比較的宿泊施設が高いが、ここは約8000円(2013/05当時)で宿泊できた。 ただ、場所はファドゥーツから北に10kmほど離れたベンダーンというところにあり、車以外の交通手段はバスしかない。 ホテルの部屋は比較的広め。 ただしトイレ共通で、バスルームは室内に囲まれたスペースにある。 したがってシャワーを浴びると室内が曇るので、窓を少し開けてから入った方がいいです。(防犯上よくないか…) 周囲には何もなく、買物するようなところもありません。 ホテル裏の丘の上に教会があり、毎時鐘を鳴らすのでうるさいです。 しかも夜中でも鳴らしているのでビックリしました。 神経質な方は目を覚ますかもしれません。 朝食は美味しかったです。 バッフェ形式ではなく、テーブルに座ると各種パンとハム、チーズというオーソドックスな洋食が配膳されます。 スイス方面の山を見ながら美味しくいただけます。 ロケーションと教会の鐘がネックですが、それ以外は特に問題ないと思います。

  • Mahima Kishore

    Mahima Kishore


    My husband had made a booking in this hotel for a day in july this year and he was travelling from Itlay. He reached the hotel he saw that a key with his name written on it was kept in the reception but nobody was around, when he called somebody peeped and when he told that he had a booking he started speaking in the native language of which he had no Idea and without explaining anything he closed the door. He did’nt get any room in the hotel and it was already 9.30 in the night. It was raining heavily and he did’nt know where to go as we trusted the booking confirmation he had got from your hotel. He was treated very badly and was even charged full money from the credit card (as the details of the same was already provided by me at the time of booking for showing guarantee of the bookings from my side) for the single room of CHF67.44+VAT @3.80% i.e CHF 2.56 THOUGH NO ROOM WAS PROVIDED. This shows light of the amount of disrespect and inhospitality that you have for your tourist guests. He had to hitchhike that night to the nearest station at Sargans and spend the rainy cold night at the station sitting through out as he had a flight to catch the next day because of what was done by this hotel to a guest with reservations.

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