Hotel Restaurant Weinstube i Nendeln

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10, Churer Strasse, 9485, Nendeln, LI Liechtenstein
Kontakter telefon: +423 377 17 77
Latitude: 47.1999149, Longitude: 9.5438343
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Kommentar 5

  • Dinesh Swami

    Dinesh Swami


    Very good restaurant at weinstube. Liked it.

  • Brigitte Dreischer

    Brigitte Dreischer


    Very comfortable hotel with all amenities. Good breakfast. Restaurant with good food and wine. Friendly staff.

  • Françoise Bergamin

    Françoise Bergamin


    Sehr guter Service. Das Essen delikat und reichlich. Mit südamerikanischer Live-Musik ein sehr gemütlicher Abend. Danke.

  • Jay Junjie Bian

    Jay Junjie Bian


    I forgot my glasses at my room and asked the staff to send them to me. After one week's waiting, I gave them a call and asked for the tracking number. The staff named Antonio had no clue about this but promised to ask and called back. One day later, I didn't hear from him. So I called him again and he got really unhappy and said I was being impatient. He also said "you should be grateful that we send you the glasses back!". I was so shocked that they had zero sense of customer service and how rude to react like this to a customer. I would recommend the owner looking into this please. But I will never ever come back to this hotel again in my life. I can understand sometimes things cannot always go right in a hotel. But if you spot a problem and they are happy to fix it, that's the definition of a good hotel. Unfortunately Hotel Weinstube is not the case. And so far I still have not reached out to me and called to apologize. Too bad.

  • Fabrice Atallah

    Fabrice Atallah


    Good business hotel. Clean interior. Very friendly staff

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