Jugendherberge Schaan-Vaduz i Schaan

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6, Under Rüttigass, 9494, Schaan, LI Liechtenstein
Kontakter telefon: +423 232 50 22
Hjemmeside: www.youthhostel.ch
Latitude: 47.1569506, Longitude: 9.5060916
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Kommentar 5

  • Alan Wasowski

    Alan Wasowski


    It’s a wonderful hostel, I don’t think your find a better one in that area. It’s very clean and tidy the breakfast served in the morning is good, they are very nice people. It’s not a party place so if you’re looking for that go to different place.

  • Cody coder

    Cody coder


    sauber, freundliches service, nett gelegen für familien.

  • Anis Ait bairy

    Anis Ait bairy


    Tres beau paysage dans les environs de l auberge, pas loin du centre de Vaduz ! Tres propre. Personnel sympa!

  • Brian Ludwig

    Brian Ludwig


    Place had the look, feel, and warmth of a mental hospital, and my friend and I were treated like patients. Certainly not the comfortable, friendly, social atmosphere I expect from a respectable hostel. We arrived a few minutes past reception hours, thanks to a long, unintended detour on the way to the hostel. Being lost in the mountains (and without local phone service anyways), I had no way of letting them know I would be arriving late. What I did find upon arrival, was a rather discourteous note complaining about my late arrival, a room key, and instructions to be packed up and gone by 8am. I would rather sleep in my car than ever set foot in this place again!

  • Reinhard Schmid

    Reinhard Schmid


    Die JH unter neuer Leitung hat sehr gewonnen. Service ist sehr gut, sehr freundlich. Das Abendessen war sehr gut, die Salate frisch und vielseitig, ebenso der warme Hauptgang. Alles ausgesprochen lecker zubereitet. Das Frühstück war ebenso frisch und vielseitig. Wir kommen gerne wieder.

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