Restaurant Kainer i Triesenberg

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10, Landstrasse, 9497, Triesenberg, LI Liechtenstein
Kontakter telefon: +423 268 39 33
Latitude: 47.117312, Longitude: 9.5435141
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Kommentar 5

  • Joe Czech

    Joe Czech


    Beautiful views from the outdoor patio and the food was great as well! Friendly and helpful staff that helped us through the menu. The place even had an electronic dart board! We were going to play, but another couple from the area joined us for after dinner drinks and fun conversation!

  • Luda Intabli

    Luda Intabli


    Superb customer service and breathtaking views highly recommended. During my 2.5 days in Leichtenstein visited this place at least 4 times :)

  • Antonio Martín Mendieta

    Antonio Martín Mendieta


    Such a lovely place to have dinner with stunning views. Highly recommend it. Food is delicious, the portions are quite big. Price-wise is a bit expensive, but the portions, the quality and the views make everything worth it. I recommend the "Rindsfiletspitzen", full of amazing flavours accompanied by a local Pinot Noir. Perfect pair. And finishing with the plum and cinnamon ice cream. Such a great place, with very friendly staff.

  • Valentin Gheorghita

    Valentin Gheorghita


    Great view.

  • Nector Rivera

    Nector Rivera


    Amazing food and service.

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