Hotel Linde i Schaan

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1, Feldkircher Strasse, 9494, Schaan, LI Liechtenstein
Kontakter telefon: +423 232 17 04
Latitude: 47.1673336, Longitude: 9.5100302
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Kommentar 5

  • Seamus Killoran

    Seamus Killoran


    Lovely place to stay. 26 chf a night. Lovely people.

  • Brian Hoff

    Brian Hoff


    Comfortable enough for a 2 night stay, be sure to book a room with a private bath unless you intend to bunk in the hostel side. Restaurant on site is likely your best option for food. Breakfast was sufficient but lacked diverse flavors. Easy check in and out.

  • Martin Stolze

    Martin Stolze


    Well kept, clean room, very friendly staff.

  • Rachel Walter

    Rachel Walter


    Very well located right next to bus station. Nice staff. Good restaurant with both indoor and outdoor seating so as nice for a beer as it is for a regular dinner. Breakfast available and quite sufficient. The reception is not always monitored but there is a keybox for late arrivals.

  • Trevin Chui

    Trevin Chui


    One of cheapest hostel in Liechtenstein. Location is a bit far away from the most famous area - Vaduz. It is about 15-20mins bus trip to get to Vaduz. However, as one of the smallest countries in the world, it takes you hours to reach most famous attraction spots from this hotel if you drive.

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